
Saturday, February 2, 2019

How It's Done: Inking Part 1

Picking up from where we left off last time, the Tiffany & Corey cartoon gets inked once the pencils get finished.  Using black India ink and a nib pen, either a Hunt 107 nib (narrow lines) or a Speedball 512 (medium lines), I start inking the pencil lines.  

I ink the figures first, Tiffany and/or Corey along with the co-stars Alessandra or Corey's cat Pepperoni.  Backgrounds and tertiary characters get inked last.  In the photo above, I'm using a Hunt 107 nib which gives a thinner line.  While the Speedball 512 and Hunt 107 are my workhorses for Tiffany & Corey, I occasionally use other pen nibs like the Speedball A5 and C4 or specialty pens like the Uniball.

I won't keep the paper upright either.  I may turn it around sideways or upside down during the inking process.

Once the cartoon is finished, I'll just let it sit and dry for anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.  What comes after that?  Alas, that will have to wait for next time.

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