Tuesday, June 6, 2017

About Me

My legal name is my own business.  My professional name is Max West and I'm the creator of this webcomic Tiffany & Corey.

I was born in New York City on January 4, 1980.  I hold a degree in creative writing from Baruch College.  As for my art skills, I took night classes at the School of Visual Arts.

I am the creator of the print comics series Sunnyville Stories and that has its own blog.

I draw these Tiffany & Corey gag cartoons with pen & ink on paper.  Lettering is done by hand when I have speech balloons but the captions are added digitally after.  Color work is done with mixed media - usually, it's a combination of markers, inks, acrylic and gouache.

I can be reached at maxwestart(at)gmail(dot)com or by snail mail at:

1100 19TH AVENUE N, #108
FARGO, ND 58102-2269 USA

I hope you enjoy my superb comics creation!

Buy me a Ko-Fi!