Saturday, February 23, 2019

How It's Done: The Final Product

Once the cartoon is finished and signed, it's time for the computer!

While I draw traditionally, I will use the computer to process and upload artwork to this webpage.  My setup is simple - a laptop with some graphics editing software (in this case, I use Photoshop 6.0) and a scanner.

Using my scanner, I scan the cartoon to my computer; from there, the file goes into my graphics program where I retouch and format the cartoon.  The caption also gets added.  Two copies are made - a high quality to reprint in a possible book one day and a lower quality image for display online.

By the way, here's the finished cartoon!

I hope you enjoyed this inside look at how Tiffany & Corey gets produced.  And now, please go back to viewing the cartoons!

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